
APB offers a series of online and in-person training courses to help you be safe.
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APB offers Facility Threat Assessments (FTA's) to help you with safety planning.
Go To Assessments


APB offers best in class mass communication tools as a Crisis Go certified dealer.
Go To Comms Tools

Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Security Professionals

APB supports police officers, correctional officers, and professional security personnel with our Compliant Training and Services branch.

Free Workplace Violence Resources and Course

Our team has put together a comprehensive introductory to workplace violence prevention course complete with video lessons, audio lessons, and downloadable files. The course covers definitions and examples of each kind of violence and threat, legal compliance, the cost of violence in terms of money and production, and the proper training methods. 

Contact Our team to Enroll

Our mission is to provide customizable options to help leaders guide their teams to the next level.  We ensure our products and services are safe and effective and leave the best possible impact with today’s toughest challenges. 


Todd Phillips

Co-Founder of APB

Training or Traumatizing?

Active aggressor training can bring about intense emotions and stress. APB Consulting Solutions believes in non-simulation training. All training drills are walk-through only. We know that our clients learn best when they are in low-stress, communicative, environments. “Nobody had to go through a traumatic training to learn what do in a fire. They do walkthroughs, discussions, they teach folks how to think when that happens, and the success rate on that is pretty phenomenal.” Todd Phillips, Founder and President. 

Learn More About Our Interactive Course

Recent News

In addition to completing a dozen private training sessions this fall, we also had the honor speaking at the Kentucky Bankers Association Fraud Academy in August. Our President, Scott O'Brien, discussed the importance of routine, comprehensive workplace violence prevention training. He walked attendees through a condensed version of our popular Survive Your Environment course. Read more about the KBA Fraud Academy event through their bi-monthly magazine.


We believe that training equals survival. That's why APB doesn't just teach a course and leave you on your own. We've built an online community with weekly challenges, additional resources, a podcast hosted by safety experts, and a private group to ask our experts questions and learn alongside others with.


Check out our educational podcast


Communicate effectively during a crisis with CrisisGo


Three Course Safety Bundle benefits

Compliant Training and Services for Officers and Security Professionals

CTS X APB proudly trains law enforcement, corrections, and security groups in defensive tactics for the Compliant Technologies CD3 product line. The G.L.O.V.E. device is helping over 400 agencies across the United States and nine countries reduce officer and subject injury rates and de-escalate potentially dangerous situations. APB exists to set the standard for both Law Enforcement and the General Public on safety and security solutions.  

Visit our CTS Website

APB Supports O.N.E. Nursing

(Online Nursing Education)


We support nurses and their dedicated service within our communities to help keep us safe and healthy.  Check out O.N.E. Nursing's courses.

Go to O.N.E. Nursing

Meet the APB Team 

We are very proud of our team of professionals.  We have a seasoned group with real world experiences in dangerous emergencies that are prepared to help you and your organization learn how to be safe.


Read more about us

Contact One Of Our Experts

If you would like more information, submit the form below and someone from our team will contact you.  


APB works hard to run a professional organization dedicated to serving our many partners with their safety.

APB's diverse ownership allows us to create great products for all of our customers. We are dedicated to everyone to be safe!
APB's owners include members that are military and law enforcement veterans who are considered experts in their fields.