Active Aggressor/Shooter Training

Are you prepared?

We developed a simple, actionable, training regiment to prepare you and your staff to be empowered in the face of a threat. This course is available in 1 hour course, 2 hour course, or our most popular and comprehensive option, 4 hours. We help our clients understand their environments through the perspective of first responders and safety experts because our staff has experience being on the front lines of active aggressor/shooter scenarios. 

From Scott:

The best way for organizations to prepare for emergencies is through repetitive training.  We have to train if we are going to take safety seriously.



28% of active aggressor events happen at a business or place of commerce. 

Training builds confidence and empowers employees in the face of threats. 

Litigation against employers who are not prepared when a tragedy occurs is on the rise. Training saves lives, money, and productivity.

Hear from our Clients

“The class was very informative and fun actually. It’s sad that we have to prepare for such a terrible situation but I’m happy that there are caring professionals available to provide such important training.”

“Recommend for every work place.”

“Most helpful interactive course I have ever had on this subject.”

Contact One Of Our Experts

If you would like more information, submit the form below and someone from our team will contact you.